Intro Text

Friday, May 18, 2012

Noticing the irises coming up each year is like watching time lapse photography.

I often feel a rush to draw or paint the stems and buds as they rise and push out.  And they'll be gone soon!

In 3 weeks I'm retiring from my 37 year practice of  psychotherapy to make more time to paint.  As I began to clear my NJ office today I see the large painting by my RISD friend Pia Mackenzie.  Pia's painting has graced this office for more than 20 years.  Paintings are like friends.  They keep us company and make us feel at home. Soon it will come off the wall and come home.

Pia is a prolific painter and writer.  I've always been in awe of how she just draws or writes or paints nearly every day.   Once upon a time I heard that we're headed in the direction of those we idealize.  That's my plan.